Category Planning & Market Research
To ensure any new product development is effective for our clients, we offer category research as a first stage to any project where strategic thinking is necessary.
Competitor Landscape
Focusing on relevant geographic regions, assessing and understanding the immediate and secondary competition landscape is key. Goodlines provide an analysis of this in the form of visual category boards. These provide an overview of the most relevant competition, looking at key features, RRPs and their USPs.
Assortment Architecture
Where a client is already an established business, a look inwards is key. Goodlines can help by analysing a clients current product assortments (top sellers, top seller per category, category mix pie, identify slow sellers, business geography, price points heat map). All of this enables us to assess the potential revenue from possible new categories.
New Product Opportunities
Goodlines can research specific product categories that are relevant for expansion, delivering visual research to assist clients in deciding the right direction. For clarity and focus, following Goodlines’ presentation of landscape product research & top-line specification, a document is provided distilling feedback, and summarising key SKU decisions.
Summary and Recommendations
After collaboratively reviewing competitive landscape research and an internal review of assortment and possible new categories, we conclude by providing our key recommendations that have emerged from this research. Helping to summarise and distil key finds which give an informed recommendation for new development, advising the number of types of product to be included in the upcoming launch, and price points if needed.